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Susan B. Anthony


NOW marching 50 years ago


2020 Rose Parade We Heart float

2020 marchers Rose Parade for Women;s Suffrage Centennial 

Above: The 2020 Rose Parade float  commemorating the Women's Suffrage Centennial



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1. October 2024 Events

2. Ongoing Events

3. Future Events

4. Recent Events Photos

5. Memories of Events Before 2023 - (Memories Page)

1. NOW October 2024 Events

Our October Membersip meeting:

Monday, October 16, 2024 Zoom Details
7:00-8:30 p.m. PDT

Meeting ID: 828 4637 4496 Passcode: 035853


NOW’s purpose is to take action through intersectional grassroots activism to promote feminist ideals, lead societal change, eliminate discrimination, and achieve and protect the equal rights of all women and girls in all aspects of social, political, and economic life. Come join our chapter serving California North of San Francisco!


2.  Ongoing Events

Monthly meetings are usually on the 3rd Monday of the Month 7:00 - 8:30 pm


3. Future Events


4. Recent Events

CA NOW conference Aug. 10, 2024

We had a successful CA NOW Conference on August 10th with over 120 present! The theme was "Moving Forward and Igniting Change," at the Presbyterian Church of the Roses. We were inspired by our speakers: Bear Atwood, Vice President of NOW, and panelists Molly Murphy McGregor, Dr. Kim D. Hester Williams, and MaDonna Feather Cruz, as well as by Dr. Addie Ellis who enlightened us with her workshop on what it truly means to be not just an ally, but an advocate. That was all followed by a fabulous catered lunch and another presentation on pushing those in power to publish the Equal Rights Amendment; followed by the attendees creating a giant Get Out the Vote bannerto use at rallies.

We had a full house, and more than a dozen organizations participated. We thank the following: Addie Ellis, Black Womxn United, CA NOW, Contra Costa NOW, CRAMPs, Generation Housing, KBBF Radio and Women's Spaces, the League of Women Voters, LGBTQI+ LEGACY Sonoma County, National Women's History Alliance, Sign4ERA, SoCo LGBTQI, Sonoma County NOW, and The Sonoma County Democratic Party.

We also thank Avid Coffee in Montgomery Village and Trader Joe's on Cleveland Avenue, for donating coffee and pastries to our conference, and we encourage you to give them your patronage for their thoughtfulness; breakfast was delightful!

In addition, we had two sponsors underwrite our conference expenses: Beyond the Hero/Media for Change and TriBallistic Selene, plus numerous individual donors.

For a PDF of the program, please write to

The Press Democrat published an article on the convention 2 days before on 8/8/24:

We received great press coverage afterwards, as well, in the Press Democrat August 12 by Austin Murphy. Click Here for link to that article


Monday, March 18, 2024, 7:00 to 8:00 PM, via Zoom, Monthly Membership Meeting.

Guest speaker Kirstyne Lange, Sonoma County NAACP

After a very successful forum for our February event, we will host Kirstyne Lange, President of the Sonoma County NAACP branch, at our March 18th meeting. Kirstyne will speak to us of Black women who have contributed to our history and will also underscore the work that the branch is doing in and for our county. This promises to be another great community engagement and we encourage you to tell your friends to join us. Kirstyne appeared this week on the KBBF 89.1 FM radio program, Women's Spaces, where she was interviewed by Elaine B. Holtz, our treasurer. Click here for the recording.  


Monday, February 19, 2024 from 7:00 to 8:50 PM via Zoom.
[Past Event - See NOW YouTube Channel for video]

RSVP is required, but the event is free, sponsored by NOW Sonoma County and the Democratic Club of Sonoma County.

Join our zoom by RSVP Here

Given that California's primary election is March 5th, Sonoma County NOW is pleased to host a forum for the Sonoma County Democratic Party's Central Committee candidates in District 1 and District 3. If you are in either of those districts, please join us. on February 19, 2024. Learn what the Central Committee does and how important its work is. We will have prepared questions for each candidate.

Post Event:  Dear NOW members and friends,

We had a wonderful forum on Monday and now it is available for viewing! Please share with your friends and neighbors in Districts 1 and 3. It is a special opportunity to really see and hear the passion and dedication of these hard-working Democrats. We also learned what the Central Committee does for this county. Here is the recording of the forum.

Click to see video on NOW YouTube Channel Here


Past Event - Monday, November 20, 2023, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. PT, Sonoma County NOW Monthly Board and Membership Meeting via Zoom with

Special Speaker: Marianne Williamson

Bestselling author, political activist, and spiritual thought leader! Sponsored by NOW Sonoma and Women's Spaces Radio Show.

Click Here for Video of Marianne Williamson Event


 Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson

For over three decades Marianne Williamson has been a leader in spiritual and progressive circles. She is the author of fifteen books, four of which have been number one on the New York Times bestsellers list. She believes, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure.” (From the book A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson)

Williamson founded Project Angel Food, a nonprofit organization that has delivered more than sixteen million meals to ill and dying homebound patients suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS since 1989. She has also worked throughout her career on poverty, anti-hunger, and racial reconciliation issues. In 2004, she co-founded the Department of Peace. Williamson ran for the Democratic nomination for President in 2020 and 2024, and supports the creation of a US Department of Peace.

About our sponsonr Women’s Spaces Radio Show: The show is dedicated to ordinary women doing extraordinary things, co-produced by Ken Norton and Elaine B. Holtz (host). The show is recorded live on radio station KBBF 89.1FM on Mondays at 11 a.m. and replayed at 11 p.m., also streaming over  All shows are archived on  


Monday, August 21 2023 (Past Event), Sonoma County NOW Monthly Board and Membership Meeting via Zoom.  Special guest speaker: Zakiya Thomas, President & CEO of the ERA Coalition and Fund for Women's Equality!

Zakiya Thomas

Above: Zaliya Thomas

Please join us at our August 21st meeting to hear Zakiya Thomas' presentation, where you will have an opportunity to hear what is happening with the ERA and how you can support their organization. It is also a chance to learn more about our chapter's doings. It is our hope that you will be inspired to join our local NOW chapter, if you are not yet a member, or even to join the board. See above for the monthly Zoom link and below for more details on becoming an active participant in this powerful organization. This is a past event now on our chapter's YouTube channel at



Memories of NOW Events Before 2023

2022 and Earlier events, photos and videos can be found on the Memories page - Click Here

Become a Member! Click Here.


Let's Meet!

 Monthly Meetings are on the 3rd Monday of every month, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. See Events page for details.


Please Donate

via our PayPal account - Click Here or scan the QR code below:

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NOW Sonoma County Chapter



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